Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Yep its Tuesday

Amazing where life takes us. When I look at where I've been and imagine where I am going I am forced to realize that you only live in the now and thats all you can control. And for the most part you really can only pray, breathe, and guide the "now". I will share more of my thought later but for now I will leave you with my theme for today.

dont complain about the ants on the ice cream cone on your porch this morning, just smile when you think about the three year old who dropped it there last night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie! I will check the message. So how are you? You look the same. I'm glad you found me? Where are you at in life? Joe and I will be celebrating 8 years this summer and Hadley will be 2 next Friday. Walkerton is still "on fire." We are consistently running about 200 every Sunday morning. So much has changed since I saw you last. Joe says he thinks he remembers that you had a little girl. My email is taliareed (at) hotmaail. Please email me.